Case number 5

How New Technology Rewiring our Minds?
Seriously consider this: are you addicted to technology? You just might be and if you are, well, guess what? You’re rewiring your brain. Did you want to do that?

You’re rewiring your brain so it only responds to technology and any sense of pleasure is being taken away. Are we becoming the robots that were in those sci-fi movies 30 years ago? You’re losing close relationships with family and friends because you jumped on the bandwagon through peer pressure, "hey, everyone else is doing it", which to you, makes it okay to join them in their addiction! When you allow it to happen you're an enabler , when you join in, you begin the transformation to becoming one of them.....a robotic addict.

About 10-15 years ago one of the biggest problems couples had was having a TV in the kitchen. Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Counselors and Therapists all heard, “the TV is on during dinner and it’s ruining our relationship”. Well guess what? It did. It’s a cry for help that these professionals have heard over and over again for years. Now, it’s common to watch TV during mealtime. So much for family time. Lack of communication, not relating to others for even small amounts of time due to the advent of technological gadgets has become a way of life, it's pulling people apart and it's changing the way we think. We evolved from being addicted to TV to being addicted any and all technological devices to the point of allowing ourselves, our brains, to become a techno gadget itself. No feelings for others, no consideration of what is polite or nice, we're losing emotions, technology is taking over and we're allowing it.